Friday, February 1, 2013


Hello from Utah!

9am this morning; clear skies; absolutely beautiful
I hope everyone is doing well!

Here is what's new in my world:
  • I got a part time job at Jo-Ann Fabric & Crafts
  • I'm working on re-branding With Love Handmade
  • I'm currently knitting a lilac colored baby blanket
  • I'm currently reading "Applique Your Way"
  • I'm also currently reading "Stitch and Bitch"

I decided that I want to expand my skill set so I want to learn applique. I can't start yet because a few weeks ago, the foot pedal on my sewing machine went all whack.  Basically, it kept sewing when I took my foot off. So, I called Singer and they said they're sending me a new one but I'm still waiting... As soon as it comes in, I want to start the first project! In the mean time, there are some hand-sewn applique projects I can try! Also, there are plenty of new projects I can knit out of Stitch and Bitch as soon as I finish the blanket I'm working on.

Also when my foot pedal comes in, I can finish the heating/cooling bags I've been working on for With Love Handmade. Right now, I only have two listed but as soon as I get my new pedal I can add a handful more.

Click here to view this item in my shop!

Click here to view this item in my shop!

 Not much else new is going on right now. Today is my only day off of work this week so I'm going to take advantage of it by picking out some meals to cook this week & go go grocery shopping!

Have a great day :]